Loans and cash advances can give you quick access to the money you need. But borrowing from a financial institution isn't the only way to get a cash injection quickly. OTO Capital, for example, can loan you money on almost any two-wheeler at 35% lower EMIs than banks. However, they are still some minimum interest rates. That's how they make some of their money. But before we move ahead, you can easily check your Bike loan EMIs through the OTO EMI saving calculator.
Get the best interest rates.
Once you have decided to get a two-wheeler loan, you are likely to get confused by the different types of vehicles available in the market, along with all the other offers that are thrown at you. However, before zeroing in on your vehicle of choice, you need to pay attention to a few things. The interest rates will vary for different manufacturers. For e.g., OTO Capital offers 35% lower EMIs than banks on Bike Loans. Basically, OTO is like a one-stop shop for all bike needs. So you should ensure that you read the fine print carefully before choosing your preferred vehicle.
Calculate your EMIs Interest Rate.
You may use a loan calculator to see if you can buy a bike, given your present financial circumstances. In the same way, through the OTO EMI saving calculator, you'll be able to choose the loan term and monthly payment amount, and some will even show you the total amount due once interest has been applied.
Please keep in mind that the amount you get from the motorbike loan calculator is an estimate, as other factors might alter the amount you get. Before granting your loan, your bank, for example, will consider your credit score and eligibility.
Do not over-borrow
Before you get yourself a two-wheeler, know if your budget allows for it. Over-borrowing is easy given the low-interest rates banks are offering, given the current interest rate scenario. However, if you can help it, do not go overboard on borrowing.
Have a re-payment plan
If you have a credit card, then you must have a re-payment plan that keeps the interest rate low. The act of paying back through EMIs is ultimately directed towards lowering your total loan. The re-payment strategy should be discussed and understood. Stick to the same rules so you may continue to profit from the vehicle's features.
You have now read about everything you need to know to pertain to loans. Something I hope will be useful for the rest of your life which is not impossible if you are willing to learn about it. The things I have mentioned, I believe every loan taker must be aware of before you apply. There are also some great hacks that you can do to get yourself a better deal, especially if you are planning to take loans often.